The numeral 10 (hieroglyph) is
Gardiner sign listed No. V20, in the category of ''rope, fiber, baskets, bags, etc.'' It is found in hieroglyphs, often in association with ''counting'', or ''accounting'' (months, days, or seasons, for example), and has an
Egyptian language phonetic value of ''mt''.〔Budge, 1920 (1978). ''An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary,'' p. 331a.〕 It is similar to a ''fetter-shaped object(?)'', described by Budge, 1920, (1978), as ''"objects of wood or wickerwork; terrify, terrible,"''〔Budge, 1920 (1978). ''An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary,'' section: ''A List of Hieroglyphic Characters: ''Strokes and Doubtful Objects'', p. cxlvii.〕 (now in Gardiner's list as V19 and Aa19
V19..Aa19). (Budge shows a 3rd variety.)